This past week as Dave and I continue to clean and clear out the house and move into our "shell" I am very aware of the changes that I have made in such a short period of time. Two years ago this was only an imaginary idea concocted on a drive back from Alfalfa. Six months ago it was a serious discussion with a plan on paper and today it is a reality.
I have traded in house and yard for a 28 ft/single pop out 5th wheel.
I have retired my car and replaced it with a bicycle.
I have gone paperless with my bills and run the computer off of the sun and wind.
We have removed our water based toilet and replaced it with one more "green".
And although our vehicle is still carbon based, we are working on the option of using bio fuel.
These are big changes for me, life choice changes, healthy changes!
Today in the New York Times there's an article regarding Texas ranches as places for wind harnessing power towers. Closer to home Oregon's Department of Transportation has reported their new solar panel project for Interstate 5 & Interstate 205. The words "Carbon Footprint" have become synonymous with change, both globally and personally. Our choices do leave impressions behind.
I am reminded daily, sitting on my bicycle, checking solar amp input, turning the drum in the toilet, that my shoe is a size 5 and getting smaller.
I understand that not everyone goes to this length. When I began this new journey the decisions I made were done for travel ease and gained an added benefit along the way. I do however believe that everyone can do something, and it no longer is a case of can't do, but must do. We are long past waiting for the government to act first, they are slow to act and must debate each nuance of the idea. It is in our best interests to take the initiative and personally make an investment in our future.
- Take cloth bags to the grocery store.
- Don't drive your car once a week, use a different means of transportation/carpool
- Pay your bills on line and slow the paper flow to your mailbox.
- Use earth friendly products.
- Challenge your family/self to turning the TV off for a day and find alternative ways to entertain yourselves- games, museum trip, letterboxing...
- Come up with your own ideas.
The wind blows outside and the steady rhythm of the blades whirl, humming like a giant Trochilidae hovering.